Friday, March 7, 2014

Just a note to announce that The Dade County Planet, Dade's newest news source, is now online.  Here's a link:

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Dear Bob's Little Acre Readers, If Any:

BE IT KNOWN THAT Robin Ford Wallace is alive and well and blogging her black little heart out -- though not necessarily about gardening!  I launched a satire blog, THE TURNIP, the week of Feb. 25, 2014.  Here's a link:

And coming up this week, the week of March 3, 2014, I will launch a straight news blog (well, as straight as nooz gets in these parts) called THE DADE COUNTY PLANET.  I'll put a link to it here, though be warned -- the first edish is not yet up at the time of this writing.

I will post in Bob's Little Acre when and if a girl ever gets time to roll in the dirt!